How To Create a Products Website: If you have been around the internet marketing scene for some time, you may want to consider how to create a products website. I started creating websites in 2003 and by 2008 I realized you could make money from websites. However, it wasn’t until 2010 that I decided to make two digital products for one of my websites.
How To Create a Products Website
I like to keep it super simple (KISS) when it comes to creating websites, especially websites that make money. I follow a four step process – choose an interest, create a website, market products and send traffic. By the way, I use this simple four step process for information websites, affiliate websites and products websites.
1. Choose an Interest
I already had an information website up and running with about two hundred (200) web-pages build around content on an interest I enjoyed. I build the content around KEYWORDS so that most of the traffic would come from organic search via Google, Bing and Yahoo. It took about two (2) years to write two hundred (200) web-pages. I just wrote web-pages when time permitted.
As the website grew so did the traffic to the website. I had written two (2) research papers for work and I decided to turn them into e-books and market them on my information website. To my surprise people purchased the e-books. As they say, the rest is history!
What did I do to create a products website? I had an interest and I wrote information relevant to that interest. Of course, there are varied and different product websites. But for me it all began with an information website that developed into a products website.
2. Create a Website
To learn how to create a products website, you will need to purchase a web-hosting plan and register a domain name. Web-hosting plans are easily sourced and reasonably priced. Some web-hosting plans include a free domain name.
I would suggest that you create a products website with WordPress. WordPress is an online, open source software program that provides a content management system for websites and blogs. It is free and you can download WORDPRESS now and upload it to your web-hosting account. It’s that simple!
You can use free themes or premium themes. I would suggest that you purchase a PREMIUM WORDPRESS THEME because the creators of those themes provide step-by-step instructions for customization of your website.
What makes WordPress easy and beneficial is that the plugins (mostly free) generally do the heavy lifting for you when it comes to SEO (Yoast SEO Plugin), social networking (Simple Social Icons), etc. etc.
3. Market Products
This is usually the easy part of creating a product website. I generally place a large banner ad in the sidebar of the website. When visitors read the information on the website, they can easily see the large marketing banner and click on it. I create the large banner in Adobe Photoshop.
Once visitors click on the banner ad, they are sent to a sales page or landing page that expands and explains the product for sale. The purpose of the sales page is to turn visitors into customers.
I usually like to design the responsive sales page template in Adobe Dreamweaver. I am a website designer so I like to design my own sales page templates. However, WordPress Premium Themes usually provide a sales page or landing page template. You only need to add the information.
Again I try to keep it super simple. However, you can set up sales funnels (Click Funnels) to up-sell or down-sell and to capture email addresses for future sales.
4. Send Traffic
Web traffic is either free or paid.
Free traffic comes from organic search via Google, Bing or Yahoo and social networking via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, Etc. Etc.
Paid traffic comes from the likes of Google Adwords and Facebook ads.
I usually set up a website for free traffic. This involves SEO and WordPress provides a good plugin to do the heavy lifting in this area (Yoast SEO Plugin).
There are times I will use Google Adwords, Bing Adwords or Facebook Ads.
Summary Comments
Over the years I have read endless amounts of information about creating websites in order to make passive income from the internet. The best advice I can give to someone is this: just go and create a website and you will so learn what works and what does not work.
I suggest you follow the four simple steps: choose an interest, create a website, market a product and send traffic to the website.